Many people tend to regard eloquence as a natural talent, and people who possess it are rare lucky ones. But, as practice in all spheres of life and art shows, talent is only a small percentage of success, all the rest is persistence and daily work. It is not difficult to develop eloquence. This is a well-studied subject, which was taught and taught in ancient Greece and Rome. It is possible to identify with certainty a number of qualities inherent in an eloquent person in almost all cases:
- Good memory
- Self-confidence
- Ability to improvise
- Literate and well-spoken speech
With the help of accessible and effective methods of self-development, each person can cultivate all the qualities inherent in a good speaker.
If you consider these qualities separately, you will be sure that each of them can be developed independently, or by attending the relevant courses. There are also combined classes, the purpose of which, directly or indirectly, is the development of eloquence. These include courses of public speaking and acting.
The Art of Talking Beautifully
Would you like to be able to talk about any topic, learn to tell interesting stories about boring things, master the power of a word, express your thoughts in a convincing and reasoned form, easily improvise or clearly follow a prepared speech? If so, you just need to understand the art of eloquence.
In order to master the art of talking beautifully, it is necessary in the first place:
To find harmony of one's inner state, that is, overcome insecurity or fear of an unfamiliar audience, tune in to a positive result. Of course, the ability to overcome excitement before a public performance comes with practical experience, which can be obtained in an actor's circle. In the classroom, you will learn how to develop eloquence, to overcome the fear of the stage and unfamiliar interlocutors. Educators will also point out your mistakes and give individual recommendations on the topic of relaxation, eliminating excitement before the performance, training will help you become a more self-confident person.
To learn the eloquence of an adult person is impossible without working on the quality of speech, sound production, diction. To say a lot or fast does not mean beautiful. Important details that help to become an eloquent speaker and just a pleasant conversationalist. There are many practices that include all kinds of breathing exercises and speech workouts. Many of these exercises become effective only when performed with a professional teacher in acting. Improper performance of the technique will not improve the diction and will not put the right breathing, which is necessary for a long performance.
To develop eloquence will help such a topic of speech, which fascinates you, your "horse" can become your "calling card". Do not be afraid to talk and talk about your favorite hobby or a pleasant event. Then you will appear to the audience energetic, interesting, "alive" and, of course, eloquent. To do this, even in the most scientific and "dry" topic, find curious facts for you, draw analogies with interesting events, draw diagrams that simplify the content of your report, use illustrations and video materials.
Try joking with the audience, her favor will certainly reveal your eloquence. Train yourself in improvisation at the lessons of oratorical skill and participate boldly in all sorts of training to develop self-confidence. An eloquent speaker will always come out of the water. He can fend off any inconvenient and tricky question, cope with the negative public.
To develop eloquence can and should be in parallel with training your memory. Memorize bright turns, word forms and words that will make your speech bright, special and memorable.
Eloquence is a whole art, the ability to control minds, which means that someone who does not know how to learn eloquence should also turn to the study of psychology. After you realize how certain words and expressions act on your interlocutor, you can effectively control the mind, which means that your speech will achieve the desired result.
That is why the last time it has become fashionable to study NLP (neurolinguistic programming) or to pay great attention not only to speech, but also to non-verbal communication (gestures, postures, facial expressions) that are designed to add weight to you as an interlocutor.
In the class of acting you will learn how to prepare your speech: sharpen the diction, learn to relax, postures, gestures and facial expressions, you can forget about many problems and concentrate on the content of speech. Lessons of eloquence and rhetoric in the theater studio will enrich the vocabulary, you will get rid of the words-parasites and understand how to learn how to speak beautifully for a minimum period.
Books for the development of eloquence
Please note that the development of eloquence is positively affected by the reading of absolutely any books. The book as such is a speech material, which contains a lot of lexical, syntactic, logical and rhetorical constructions. All of them can be used by you in practice. Reading books aloud develops speech, diction, memory and improvisational skill (imperceptibly you train yourself in expressive reading of unfamiliar text without preparation). In addition, the vocabulary is constantly replenished - the most important instrument of the speaker.
It is not enough to read only books for the development of eloquence. A good speaker should read all the time, read everything that consists of letters, and read it out loud.
As for the "core" books, our small selection of world-famous works from recognized authoritative authors will help you to understand the basic concepts and basics of working on yourself. The selection of books is compiled with the expectation of an unprepared reader.
Heinz Lemmerman "The Textbook of Rhetoric"
A universal manual on modern rhetoric from the professor of the University of Bremen, Heinz Lemmerman. The textbook includes a theoretical part in which the author is available and gives the reader a detailed idea of rhetoric as a science in general, and also shares his own reflections and practical experience. Further in the book the collection of various exercises is included, to be engaged in which both adults and children can. The book is rather a methodical tool than an introductory material, and is intended for long-term studies.
Dale Carnegie "How to speak publicly"
Dale Carnegie is a world-famous American psychologist and educator, author of several authoritative works on psychology and self-development, as well as the founder of the Institute of Effective Oratory Arts and Human Relations. This book was published in 1956, after the author's death. It is a kind of quintessence of the writer's previous works in the field of rhetoric and eloquence. The book is written in simple and popular language, it abounds with life examples and illustrations, and also contains a number of practical exercises.
Larry King "How to talk to anyone, whenever and wherever you want"
The book of the famous American television journalist Larry King is aimed mainly at overcoming fears of communication. The author's technique is unique and repeatedly tested by the author and a group of his assistants. The important difference between the book and the previous two is that it is entirely devoted to communication. The author deals in detail hundreds of situations in which people of different ages and social status experience communicative difficulties. The most urgent problems of speech are considered and available solutions are offered from the author's own practice.